Monday, 27 January 2014

Think of of the fiction!!

It has been a productive week for my muse.  I have given him so much exercise he must have collapsed from exhaustion by this point.  But I have several great projects to show for it and my writing is steadily improving.

The Crown and the cavern started life as 'Picture it and Write' challenge.  It is flash fiction that is a cautionary tale about reading the instructions.
Country Guy and City Girl  are two separate pieces of flash fiction that happen to be the same story from different points of view.  Nice real romance.  I may do a continuation.
A parody  of 'Singing in the rain' that is deliberately of key about the joys of job hunting.  You will be able to tell i have been job hunting for too long that day.  I clearly needed a break.
A walk in the rain  A nice short poem :)

Sunday, 26 January 2014

The job hunt continues!

It's depressing being unemployed.  Even with a volunteer hob I still have too much time.  I've started too spend all my time finding things to do (Not that that is in any way difficult.)

Now I spotted a interesting job ad today: Blogger for  What better think for an unemployed graduate student to do: Blog for a student blog!  Sounds great.  Let's start the how-tos

How to collude your way through your degree
How to wring the most out of your university
Beating the system - knowing your rights
Employment - what's a graduate to do

I could keep going on.

The absolute worse part is I would be good at it.  I spend most of my time writing these days.  I write applications.  I write cover letters.  I write emails.  Then when I'm really BORED I write fiction. Yay!

It get's better.  My creative writing blog is quite popular, given it's been in existence for all of a month.

Let's face it.  I would be perfect for the role (Ego deflating pin ready, Sir!).

Bet peanuts would be generous pay.