Showing posts with label random peotry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random peotry. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Properly organised, I open my assignment.
Right, I need to send an email.
On next to Blogger.
Coffe, my study pal.
Really good time clean.
As well it's not due tomorrow
Since I have wasted an hour.
Then an hour.
Instead of working
Needlessly shirking
And then the day is done.
There is a dawning realisation,
In dazed consternation,
One single word

Friday, 6 April 2012

The cup and the saucer.

The cup and the saucer
holding hot water
on a table knee high.

Along came cat
fresh from a nap,
leaping from it's cradle.

The cat and the cup,
they ran out of luck,
causing a crash fatal.

And now the cat's
banned from the table.