Monday, 7 May 2012


Cocoa, so simple
Heady and sweet
Our little treat
Cocoa, so nicely sweetened
Our little sweet
Late in the night
A welcome site
To be received
Every eve

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Bogged down

I've been a bit to bogged down to write up anything in the way of recipes.  May is a really hectic time of year.  I have over 8000 words to write on various assignments for university and I have to study for my final exam.  It will be worth it though because once they finalise my marks I will officially have a bachelors or science to add to my name.  WooooHoooo.  Them one year of this and It will be a bachelor of science with honours.  Yes!

I'm hoping I will have more time come June, when I've chosen next years modules and sent in my dissertation topic outline.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Gotta love deadlines.  I am currently chained to my laptop, dealing with impending assignments and contemplating the a breakfast bound to upset all allergens.

Croissants, cinnamon rolls, banana's, grapes and satsumas - breakfast, not of champions, of students.. -_-  Stomach so going to be up set later.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Baking with yeast

Yeast is a very handy raising agent.  Without it bread would be as dense as bricks.  However, yeast can be very tricky to bake with.  Yeast is a complex organism.  The emphasis with yeast is that it is a living organism.  As such certain factors must be taken into account.

Water:  Yeast like moist environments.  However, as bread is made by mixing flours with liquids this is a fairly easy need to fulfil.

Air:  Yeast need oxygen just like us - this is why it is important to sift the flour before use as this allows for the most aeration of the flour as possible; ensuring the larges air pockets for the yeast.

Food:  Yeast live on sugars.  This is why sugar is added to bread mixtures - too feed the yeast.

Heat:  This is a big factor.  This often where people fail in the baking process.  It is important to keep all ingredients of the bread dough at a temperature between 20-37 degrees Celsius.  This is because yeast's optimal growth happens in this 20-37 temperature range.  It is equally important for the rising process to place the dough in a place where the temperature is 20-37 degrees for an hour prior to baking.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Crumbed chicken, like kfc only better; Gluten-free

This a good recipe for chicken fans.  IT can be as health or unhealthy as you like.  The chicken will make a nice addition to salad or roast veggies.  It is a versatile option.


8 Chicken pieces
1/2 cup Cornflour
Gluten-free bread crumbs
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 sage
1 teaspoon coriander
1/2 thyme


This recipe can be used for deep frying or oven baking.  Temperate setting in either case is ideal at 180 degrees Celsius.

Place the bread crumbs and corn flour into separate containers.  Mix the herbs, salt and pepper into the cornflour.  When these ingredients are thoroughly combined, start mixing water in slowly; until the cornflour forms a paste that is fairly thick but still runs (you can test this easily by spooning some of the mixture out and allowing it to fall back into the container).  One at a time, dip the chicken pieces in the cornflour paste and then into the breadcrumbs.  This will be a messy process but is worth the effort.  To cook, either place the chicken pieces on a greased tray and place in the oven for 25-30 minutes or Place in a deep fryer until the chicken pieces brown and float.