Sunday, 30 September 2012

Student cooking tips: How to make your own bread

I'm back at uni.  Suddenly I have to do a mountain of reading,  still don't know where most of my seminars are and haven't a clue as to who my dissertation advisor is.  This left me walking past all the freshers wanting to scream 'Run away while you can'.

The bigger problem faced by most students now is how to stretch out their student loan.  At the moment shops seem to taking great care to target adverts at students in an attempt to separate us from our pennies.  I sped my days finding ways of spending less.  One of the best ways to do this is to begin cooking from scratch.  So many foods can be made simple and cheaply at home; from sauces, to pasta and bread loafs.  The best part is bread only takes 20 mins to cook (not including the time it takes to rise/mix)!

To bake bread you will need the following utensils:

A large mixing bowl.
A mixing spoon.
A set of kitchen scales.
A set of measuring spoons.
A measuring jug
And lastly a loaf tin!

The ingredients you will need:

450g of plain flour (white or brown)
7g of active yeast
1 tsp of sugar
1 tsp of salt
1 tbs of oil
300-500mls of warm water

How to prepare your dough:

The quickest way to ensure the best results is to make sure the temperature in the kitchen remains between 20-35 degrees until the dough goes into the oven.  This helps the yeast to do it's work.  However, first things first,  mix all of the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl.  You want to ensure the yeast, salt and sugar and distributed thoroughly through out the flour. This encourages an even texture.  Begin to mix your warm water in slowly.  You won't need all of it.  You want to mix the water into the flour until all of the flour comes into a big clump.  This is the point  at which you are ready to kneed the dough.

Kneading the dough:

To need the dough you will need a flat surface sprinkled with flour.  It is also wise to dust you own hands with flour as this is messy business.  Plop the dough on the surface and begin squishing it together and then flattening it with quick successive motions.  This will pull the flour of the surface, simple sprinkle some more down and keep kneading.  The dough will become more elastic as you knead, once this has begun it is ready to go in a greased loaf tin.  Don't put it in the oven just yet!  The next step is allow the dough to rise.

Tips to getting dough to rise:

Cover the loaf tin and place it in a warm place for an hour.  the loaf will rise on it's own over time - just ensure it's in the appropriate temperature range of 25-35 degrees Celsius.  After the hours up simple place in a oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

Finally, once you bread has cooled, slice up and enjoy.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

It's been awhile.  I half expected to sign into my blogger account to find that it had died of neglect.  I've been working full-time hours and still volunteering actively with one charity (having to ignore one because while I'd like to do more for them I don't have the time atm).   It's also a lot harder to think of things to write when I'm not trying to avoid academic work.  Chances are I will suddenly have nothing but posts come October.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Life stikes

Been a little bit on the silent side recently when it comes to blog content.  I have been tired, and suddenly it's hay fever season.  I came home from my walk yesterday with a nasty migraine that was so bad i felt queasy unless I was lying down.  I'm fairly certain it was all the pollen from all the lovely flowers in Dyke park.  The headache reduced in severity after my anti-histemin kicked in which was a relief.  However, it forced me to relies that I am probably more affected by allergies at the moment then I was aware of.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Blogger can be so difficult

I had the smart idea today to attempt to try blogging from my mobile. I have been spendingso much more time at work and as a result I haven't had anywhere near the opportunity to type anything up as I did during term time. However I am still getting ideas in the middle of the day and have no way of acting on them. So I thought blogger mobile was a good solution. I was so wrong.

The first thing I did was attempt to get blogger mobile set up on my phone. Sounds easy enough. After a few minutes of reading I realised that was not the case. To set up blogger mobile and link it to my current blog I needed to be in front of my computer to fuss about was login details and claim codes. So I very quickly gave up on that solution. 

The second thing I tried was to use my phones browser to blog via  Nothing on the site wanted to work for me. All link lead to nowhere and even once I got the post new post option to work practically all I could do was type up the body of the post. It would let me alter option, add a title or add anything else. Then, to add insult, I went to publish the post and it disappeared into a site meltdown; I wasn't even allowed to save it as a draft!

My final solution was to dispense with Blogger altogether. I signed into hotmail and used my email account to write this post. It was saved and sent with no hassle. I know what I'm relying on from now on. Not Blogger Mobile :)