Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Now I am getting fancy

This pretty effect was created buy mixing coffee soap blend with milk soap blend. Might do this again. I like the effect!

This was related to my last post. Because I have been hand blending my mix the past few days I decide to take advantage of the thinness of the mix when it was poured into the mould.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Hand blended soaps!

On the left I have a batch of coffee soap made with recycled filter coffee (kindly given by Starbucks, as I am not at home and they coffee I have access to is instant). On the right I have orange citrus blend sitting a professional bikky tray. These are intended for family so I don't need to worry about fancy loaf shapes since they are not for sale.

You wouldn't believe how much trouble these were. I bought a cheap hand blender to mix these. It burnt out on a failed batch yesterday so I had hand mix these. Took me 30mins and the blended soap mix was no where near as thick as normal when I ladled it out because hand blending is so much slower.

Of course the hand blender burn out cause it was cheap crap from asda who, while the delivery service was fantastic,substituted my important ingredient for a cheaper lower quality one that was not fit for my purposes. Unfortunately the ingredient they substituted was the lye which meant I lost two batches before I went and bought more

Friday, 12 April 2013

My exciting Starbucks life

I have traveled all the way to Oxford and what do I do? Sit in Starbucks! Like a proud starbucktonia.... :)

My top reason: I can get a filter coffee + free refill + free wifi and sit in Starbucks in comfy chairs for hours on end.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Oxford e-commuting

Day 2 in Oxford and I am sitting in Starbucks.  I am such a boring person on holiday!!  I am currently planning to stay here for a week so I have been sat here planning how the hell I am going to do my assignments via e-commuting.

Bodliem library is the local uni library and I am so tired that I spent 30minutes trying to figure out how I could access the local electronic resources for journal article access.  Stupid me.  I can still access brighton journals over the Internet. Stupid stupid me.

I am tired apparently.

Facebook Brighton soap shop.

Our adventures with eBay have been going quite well. So well in fact I relised that between PayPal fees and eBay fees that the only way I can make a few pennies (and I mean a few...) is to only sell two packs for under a £1. At £0.99 on a three pack I was loosing money except when the three pack was purchased with other items. It's a shame because I would like to keep offering them. However I would have to put the price up a lot. 

If anyone would like to place a larger order, please contact me to discuss. :)