Let's take bread as an example. The average gluten-free loaf costs £2-£4. Of course, this is dependant on your local region and where they source their ingredients from. In general, companies always boost the price so that they make a profit. Flour, by UK standards is £3 pounds per kilo - this can be used to make 4-5 loafs. Eggs - £1.50 per dozen (6 loaves) or Egg Replacer at £3.00 (Equivalent of 50 eggs). A pinch of salt coast all of a penny and soy milk is £1.2 a litre (Almost 2 loaves) and yeast is £2.50 a box (20 loaves). Adding this all up using the price for egg replacer - £0.75+£0.06+£0.01+0.60+0.13 =£1.55 per loaf. This is only a rough amount, depending on how much you use this amount would be more or less. But £1.55 to make it at home of £2-£4 pounds to buy in store. Which do you prefer?
The best part is this doesn't just apply to baking, it applies to cooking in general. Pasta dishes, lasagne, sauces, pies ect. All these are items that are cheaper to make at home. Cooking from scratch can effectively halve your food bill.