Showing posts with label Renewal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renewal. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 April 2012

In House Green House

Spring is making it's presence known. Suddenly I want as many plants as I can stuff in my room.  I suspect that come autumn I will have no surface space, as it will all be taken up by plants.  This, of course, is not good for the plants.  I am a plant murderer and my room in hospitable environment.  My last Four plants die either because of incorrect care or bad environmental factors.  So I had to make up some criteria/rules for plants that I choose to buy.

1) The plant must be resistant to temperature changes.  I live in a Victorian terrace house, with all the original pieces including the lack of insulation.  This said, if I want my plants to survive winter, I might want to consider leaving a heater on when I'm out.

2)  Plants must be able to survive a week without water.  In case I forget to water them.

3) Plants must come with plastic pot that have drainage holes on the bottom.  So that I can get away with over watering them accidentally.

4) Plants must be able to handle dry air, because I'm not going to realise they need misting until their leaves die.

5) Pots must be small so that I can lift them.  I need to be able to move them for watering and cleaning.

I feel this criteria is the perfect tool for keeping the numbers of plants in my room the bare minimum.  This is a good thing, as the crimes against plants must stop!