Showing posts with label Gluten free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gluten free. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Mud Muffin

Breakfast sized mud-cakes.  Who would resist these. :)


Gluten-free flour, 2 cups
Soy Milk, 3 cups.
Egg replacer, 2 teaspoons
Bicarbonate of soda, 1 1/2 teaspoons
Sugar, 1 cup
Vegan Chocolate block; broken into chunks


Pre-heat the over to 180 degrees. Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl and stir the egg replacer, sugar and bicarb.  Mix in 2 cups of soy milk thouroughly; an electric mixer may need to be used as gluten-free flour has a tendendcy to form lumps.  Half fill a pan with water and cover with a glass bowl.  Place the pan on the stove to boil and melt the chocolate chunks in the bowl.  As the chocolate melts mix in the remainder of the milk.  When the chocolate as completely mixed ith the milk remove the pan from the stove.  Allow the choclate to cool slightly and then mix it into the muffin batter.  Grease a muffin tray or two.  If you have muffin paper cups it is advisable to line the muffin tray with these as it makes it easier to remove the muffins from the tray.  Place the muffin mixture into the lined trays and pop into the oven. The Muffins will be ready when a poker through the center comes away clean.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Classic Choc-chip Muffins

Who doesn't love choc-chip Muffins in the morning? :)


Gluten-free flour, 2 cups
Soy Milk, 3 cups.
Egg replacer, 2 teaspoons
Bicarbonate of soda, 1 1/2 teaspoons
Sugar, 1/2 cup
Chocolate chips, 1 cup


Pre-heat the over to 180 degrees. Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl and stir the egg replacer, sugar, bicarb, and chocolate chips.  Mix the soy milk thouroughly, an electric mixer may need to be used as gluten-free flour has a tendendcy to form lumps.  Grease a muffin tray or two.  If you have muffin paper cups it is advisable to line the muffin tray with these as it makes it easier to remove the muffins from the tray.  Place the muffin mixture into the lined trays and pop into the oven. The Muffins will be ready when a poker through the center comes away clean.

Friday 18 May 2012

Banana Coconut Muffins; Gluten, dairy, and egg free.

This is the first of my muffin series, continuing my banana obsession.  It's a sweet way to get fruit into your brekky.


Gluten-free flour, 2 cups
Soy Milk, 2 cups.
Egg replacer, 2 teaspoons
Bicarbonate of soda, 1 1/2 teaspoons
Sugar, 1 cup
3 Ripe bananas
Desicated coconut, 1/2 cup


Pre-heat the over to 180 degrees. Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl and stir the egg replacer, sugar, bicarb, and desicated coconut.  Mix the soy milk thouroughly, an electric mixer may need to be used as gluten-free flour has a tendendcy to form lumps.  Mash the bananas in a seperate bowl and then stir the mash into the muffin mixture.  Grease a muffin tray or two.  If you have muffin paper cups it is advisable to line the muffin tray with these as it makes it easier to remove the muffins from the tray.  Place the muffin mixture into the lined trays and pop into the oven.

Thursday 17 May 2012

The benefits of cereal

I went off cereal for a very long time.  This is partly because my dairy allergy was not fully picked up on until I was well into my 20's.  Having cereal with cow's milk when you're allergic to it is just a recipe for a bad tummy.  Needless to say, that for quite a while the thought of eating a bowl of cereal was enough to make me feel ill.  However, I have recently started eating it again and realised there were benefits. :)

1) It's cheap.  No-Brainer there.  A 500g box of Gluten-free cornflakes will last me 7-10 days.

2)  It's simple.  There's no possible way it can upset your stomach unless you are actually allergic to one of the ingredients.

3)  Cereals are mostly starchy carbohydrates rather then sugar.  This is an important point in that quite often nutritionist will tell you how sugary cereals can be.  Coco pops, for example, has 35g of sugar per 100g.  On the offset, this sounds like a lot.  What people don't realised that this sugar content is halved when milk is added; slowing down the overall absorption of the sugar and giving your body time to burn it off before converting it to fat.

4)  Most cereals are fortified.  Those of us with dairy allergies can really struggle to meet our daily calcium requirements.  Most cereals now contain 57% of the Recommended Daily intake of calcium.  Making it just that bit easier to get enough calcium.  Fortified cereals also contain Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B2, Folic Acid, B12, and Iron.

Monday 30 April 2012

Baking with yeast

Yeast is a very handy raising agent.  Without it bread would be as dense as bricks.  However, yeast can be very tricky to bake with.  Yeast is a complex organism.  The emphasis with yeast is that it is a living organism.  As such certain factors must be taken into account.

Water:  Yeast like moist environments.  However, as bread is made by mixing flours with liquids this is a fairly easy need to fulfil.

Air:  Yeast need oxygen just like us - this is why it is important to sift the flour before use as this allows for the most aeration of the flour as possible; ensuring the larges air pockets for the yeast.

Food:  Yeast live on sugars.  This is why sugar is added to bread mixtures - too feed the yeast.

Heat:  This is a big factor.  This often where people fail in the baking process.  It is important to keep all ingredients of the bread dough at a temperature between 20-37 degrees Celsius.  This is because yeast's optimal growth happens in this 20-37 temperature range.  It is equally important for the rising process to place the dough in a place where the temperature is 20-37 degrees for an hour prior to baking.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Crumbed chicken, like kfc only better; Gluten-free

This a good recipe for chicken fans.  IT can be as health or unhealthy as you like.  The chicken will make a nice addition to salad or roast veggies.  It is a versatile option.


8 Chicken pieces
1/2 cup Cornflour
Gluten-free bread crumbs
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 sage
1 teaspoon coriander
1/2 thyme


This recipe can be used for deep frying or oven baking.  Temperate setting in either case is ideal at 180 degrees Celsius.

Place the bread crumbs and corn flour into separate containers.  Mix the herbs, salt and pepper into the cornflour.  When these ingredients are thoroughly combined, start mixing water in slowly; until the cornflour forms a paste that is fairly thick but still runs (you can test this easily by spooning some of the mixture out and allowing it to fall back into the container).  One at a time, dip the chicken pieces in the cornflour paste and then into the breadcrumbs.  This will be a messy process but is worth the effort.  To cook, either place the chicken pieces on a greased tray and place in the oven for 25-30 minutes or Place in a deep fryer until the chicken pieces brown and float.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Chocolate chunk Bikkies/Cookies; Gluten-free and Dairy Free.

A simple recipe for simply sweet bikkies.  I want one now.


Gluten free Flour 1 1/2 cups.
1/2 teaspoon baking soda.
1/2 cups sugar (preferable brown)
1/2 cup margarine.
1/2 a block of dark chocolate (Green and Blacks or another variety that doesn't include milk in the recipe)

Pre-heat the over to 180 degrees Celsius.  Break the chocolate block into small chunks.  Sift the flour into a mixing bowl and mix in the sugar and baking soda.  Slightly melt the margarine and mix into the flour.  Ensure the mix is cool before adding the chocolate chunks.  After you have mixed in the chocolate, spoon the mixture onto a greased baking tray ensuring that the dough is spread evenly apart.  Place the tray into the oven and remove when the cookies are golden brown.  It is particularly important to allow gluten-free biscuits to cool before you consume them as the biscuits cool down the harden significantly.

Monday 23 April 2012

Banana Carrot Cake; gluten free, dairy free, egg free

Following up on my 'Going Bananas' post, I was inspired to share this classic recipe; altered for us allergy sufferers.


3 ripe bananas
2 medium carrots
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups gluten free flour
1 teaspoon Bicarbonate of soda.
2 teaspoons egg replacer
1 1/2 cups soy milk or hazelnut milk
8 cloves
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon


Preheat oven to 180 degrees and grease a cake tin.  Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl and stir in the sugar, egg replacer, spices, soda and milk.  Peel the carrots and grate the carrots into the flour mix, stirring periodically. Mash the banana's and then mix them into the flour as well.  Stir thoroughly and then pour the mix into the greased cake tin.  Bake for approximately 40 minutes.  The cake is ready when a knife through the centre comes away clean.

Serving suggestions:

Spread a smidgeon of Nutella on a slice for a wicked treat.
Serve with a scoop of ice cream.

There are so many possibilities.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Apple Crumble: Gluten-free and Dairy-free

I won't lie, this is a damn easy recipe to make.  It was one of the first deserts I learnt how to cook when I had to go one a gluten free diet.  Apple crumble is dead simple and oh so very cheap.  It also so very yummy.


For Crumble
1 1/2 cups gluten-free flour
200-250grams margarine
3/4 cups sugar.
2 teaspoons cinnamon
4 cloves.

For Filling
6-8 Apples
1/2 cups sugar
20 Grams fresh or minced ginger.

Preparation directions

Peel, core and finely slice the apples.  If you are using fresh ginger, peel and dice the ginger as finely as possible.  Mix the apple, sugar and ginger together and spread this apple mixture on to a greased baking tin.  Cover the tin and set aside for the moment.

Sift the gluten-free flour into a mixing bowl.  Mix the sugar, cinnamon, and the cloves into the flour; ensuring the sugar and cinnamon are as evenly mixed into the flour as possible.  Begin to rub the margarine into the flour mix until it is fully mixed together.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Home made bread: Gluten-free, Egg-free

The most satisfying bread is home made bread, this is just as true for gluten free bread.  Unfortunately most recipes involve the use of eggs, making the it difficult for those of us with egg intolerances and those celiacs who happen to be vegan.  Eggs happen to be added to the dough to reduce the crumbling of the bread so there is not an option of removing the eggs without a substitute.  Luckily, I happened upon an egg replacer at my local speciality store.  After a little experimenting I finished with this recipe.


1 1/2 cups Gluten free flour
1 teaspoon Yeast
Warm water (3 cups, not all of this will be used).
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons Egg replacer.
1 tablespoon oil


Before begining it is best to sit the ingredients out so that the reach a temperature between 20-37 degrees Celsius.  This will aid the rising process as this temperature range allows for optimal yeast growth.  Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and grease a loaf tin.  When the ingredients have reached the optimal temperature sift the flour into a large bowl. Add the yeast, sugar, salt, and the egg replacer.  Mix these ingrediants thoroughly.  Once the yeast is deposited evenly through the flour slowly begin to mix the warm water into the the flour.  Do this in stages.  You will know there is enough water in the dough mix when it gathers into a lump. When this occurs place the bread dough in the greased loaf tin.  Cover the tin and leave to sit in a warm spot for an hour to allow the dough to rise.  Then place the tin in the oven until the bread is cooked to the centre.

Variation tips:  For yummy alternatives try adding seeds or herds to the bread mix.

Slicing tips:  Gluten free bread is notoriously crumbly even with eggs/egg replacer in the mix.  The best way to slice bread is to use a serrated knife to gently saw through the loaf.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Pizza: Home-made and Gluten Free.

Pizza is such an easy and cheap meal to make at home, even for those of us who have intolerances.   It really  makes me wonder why domino's does so well.  Of course, I say the same about Macca's.

Please note, this can be used to make wheat based pizza of course.  The main difference, apart from flour, is that you need to knead the dough a little before you roll it out.


Pizza Base:

Gluten-Free flour (Duh, really); 1 and 1/2 cups.
Water (up to three cups)
2 Tablespoons oil (olive oil adds the best flavour - but any will do)
A pinch or two of salt.
Half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.


Tomato puree
Cheese; Lactofree cheese; or soy cheese (depends on diet requirements clearly)
Anything you wish to put on top :)  However, do ensure any meat is cooked before placing it on the pizza.

Preparation directions:

Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.  Sift the Flour into a bowl. Add the salt and Bicarbonate of Soda.  Mix in the oil.  Begin to add the water, however this need to be done in small amounts because of the nature of gluten-free flour.  Essentially add some water and then stir.  Keep using this process until all the flours comes together as a ball.  Next Sprinkle some flour on a clean bench.  This is to prevent the ball of dough sticking to the bench.  Place the ball on the bench surface and gently spread it out too your desired shape. It is important to remember with gluten free flour that the dough must be slightly sticky and that it is not necessary to knead it like you would ordinary pizza dough.  Once you have spread the dough into the desired shape place it on a lightly greased oven pan.  Cook for 20mins or until the bread is par-cooked (cooked but not brown).

Remove the Pizza base from the oven and allow to cool slightly.  Once it is cool enough to handle, spread the tomato puree on the bread base.  Sprinkle cheese or equivalent on the base.  Even disperse your choice of toppings on this cheese and then top with a second sprinkling of cheese.  Place the pizza back into the oven until the cheese /Soya cheese turns brown.  Slice up and enjoy your creation :).

Monday 9 April 2012

Spiced Honey Chicken: Cheap, easy and Gluten-free

This recipe for Spiced Honey chicken is not only absolutely yummy, it is also easy to make and completely gluten-free.  Funnily enough, it is also very cheap for those of us on a budget.  It makes an excellent addition to salads or as part of a roast dinner.


Chicken Pieces (legs, wings; whatever you have).
Mixed Spice (or any spices you have handy)
Corn Flour.


Preheat the over to 180 degrees Celsius.   Slice or cut the chicken into the desired size and shape.  Gently heat the honey so that it runs smoothly and place in a plastic container.  In a second plastic container mix the cornflour with the spices, thyme and salt.  Dip the chicken in the honey, ensuring the chicken surface is completely smothered.  When the chicken is covered, roll the piece in the flour-spice mix.  The flour-spice mix will soak into the honey - this perfectly fine.  After this place the chicken onto a baking tray.  When all the chicken has been prepared, place the tray in the oven until the chicken is cooked through.