Tuesday, 4 November 2014

The dangers of free writing

In free-writing the idea is to write whatever comes to mind. The benefits of this is it ignores inhibitions and one is less likely to think about the value of what one is writing so it frees up the ability to produce a quantity of words in a short time frame. When this the goal then it is a quick way to succeed. However, every time I free write I always regret looking over what I have written as the quality becomes more inconsistent and the prose disjointed as I go on. This is where it as advantageous to have a plan or goal in mind for the section you are planning to write.

I am not even 2000 words into my novel challenge, and I am already annoyed with the quality of what I have written. It is nothing a complete rewrite won't cure. But when considering a drastic action with a section of prose one always needs to consider if it is even worth it. I am almost considering a restart with new idea. Problem is my mental energy is just too sapped.

Current word count: 1830

Monday, 3 November 2014

Brain melting woe

Top tip for the day: don't let someone with limited cognitive capacity attempt to bake.  It is a biiig mistake.  I tried to make a simple loaf today.  Not something I would normally struggle with but at the moment it like the simple rules of baking are eluding me.  The seeded loaf I attempted wound up tasting of bicarbonate despite a cup of sugar.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Oh poor little brain

I have a better excuse then ever for veging. After about 250 words of prose I had to take a loooooong break.  I started to feel like a seizure come on so I thought 'right, let's take a break.' Since then I have not had the cognitive ability to string sentences together without time and a lot of thought.  4 weeks after brain surgery this is pretty much par for course.

Let's all vege out. Who needs to work?

Saturday, 1 November 2014

National Blog Posting Month

Yesterday I discussed NaNoWriMo.  Today I bring you NaBloPoMo A.K.A. National Blog Posting Month which, as chance would have it, starts the same day as Nanowrimo.  The challenge is too produce one blog post a day meaning it is only as difficult as I choose to make it.  I would go so far to suspect its a blatant rip-off of the former as well, but I need to start posting to both this blog and my creative writing blog on a daily basis again.  I also find that, providing I don't feel drained, that writing a blog post is a good way around writer's block.  However, I highly suspect I am going to be very glad of my anti-convulsants by the end of the day.

Now that the explanation is out of the way I can get on with the task at hand - an introduction.  This is my rambling blog: Crazy Thoughts.   The aim of this blog has always diffuse.  I have used it for different purposes over time.  I have posted allergen friendly recipes; creative writing; crafted soap.  Really its main purpose has always been to be an outlet for whatever random idea pops into my head.  In this respect it has been satisfactory.

Current NaNoWriMo word count: 620

Friday, 31 October 2014

It that time again

Nanowrimo, national novel writing month for those of you who have never come across the acronym, starts again tomorrow morning. The charity event lasts for the duration of November and is an excellent opportunity for writers to practice their skills in a slightly competitive fashion.  The aim is to write a novella of at least 50,000 words in 30days.  This can be quite challenging for some but I've seen plenty of participants fly past that goal. Personally, I will be pleased if I make it too 30,000.  Last years effort hit 21,000; a word count that far outstripped my previous attempts.

It is boggling to think that that is all I managed while unemployed.  Okay, so I was focused on job hunting and other crafts at that point in time. Even so, the sheer insanity of the concept of attempting to produce an article of work longer than last years is quite daunting.  At the beginning of the month I under went a craniotomy to remove a tumour from the left hemisphere of my brain. If the frequent dizzy spells and stumbling wasn't enough to worry about; there only so much work I can do before I feel a seizure coming on.  Talk about biting off more the you can chew.  Still, I'm supposed to be engaging in activities I normally would to recuperate and this is definitely something I would normally do.

I hope you join nanowrimo and good luck!