Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Blasts from the past!!

Recently I have been reviving my interest in writing.  Wait, that sounds wrong. I never lost my interest; I simply got bogged down by daily life.  Unemployment certainly leaves you with plenty of time to spare.  As a result of this renewed fixation I was browsing through my old story notes - a archive of which goes all the way back to when I was 11/12.

While I was poking around I found this short story: Assassin in the night.  I originally wrote this piece for a school assignment.  It was part of a wider story board that I was writing at the time.  Although, reading back I realized how much I have changed from my original ideas - as this is a piece i still an interested in working on. 

Finding this piece gave me a slight shock and not just because I had forgotten I had written it.  It was just surprisingly nicely written for the work of a 11/12yr old.  It made me feel my skills had deteriorated through disuse.  But I guess that's why I started writing again - to improve my sills again.

Christmas Short story

So I'm still not dead.  Admittedly I have drifted away from blogger.  It hasn't been deliberate, it just seems energy consuming.  At the moment all my energy is being devoted to living, job hunting, and reviving my literary non-talent.  The result of this is several stories in the works and my first complete short story about a chance meeting: Cherished Smile.  Its nothing fabulous - it simply represents a practice at writing short works.  There will be sequel to it for those interest and actually romantically inclined - but I may leave that for next year!

I warn you though, it's dialogue heavy as my production stages actually involved the scripting of dialogue.  It would have been a nightmare if only one character was involved.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

I'm back in business!

I took a break from sales for a full-time job, nom I'm back with my latest creation: Vanilla and ginger soap.  Isn't it pretty. It has a lusciously vanillary scent with ginger undertones. It can be found here with other items

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Orange smoothie soap

Hey hey, it's been awhile since I last posted. I have been on a break while I completed my issue rotation and moved house. It's been a busy fortnight.  My last post showed the first stage of my orange, milk soap experiment.  Here's the final product -

Isn't it pretty?? Having read my last post I realised I made a mistake - this is the mix of orange and milk soaps not orange and olive oil

I currently am selling this batch on eBay for those who are interested (I know shame on my for using eBay but I have no luck with bid lazy.)

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Plain olive with orange soap swirls

Tried another experiment making swirls. The effect is pretty but because of the way it has mixed I garuntee that the other end of the orange is pure orange soap. It was to thick when I poured in the other colour and as a result only some mixed. Oh well, more variety then.:)